The latest installment of the Library’s Emmy Award-winning series, Meet the Past with Crosby Kemper III, spotlights one of the preeminent figures in 20th century African American literature, Zora Neale Hurston. Kemper, the Library’s director, holds a public conversation with Hurston as portrayed by longtime Johnson County Community College professor Carmaletta Williams. The presentation will be taped by KCPT-TV for later broadcast. Recently retired from JCCC, Williams has performed a one-woman play, Zora Neale Hurston: Queen of the Harlem Renaissance, throughout the Midwest. It spotlights the writer, folklorist and anthropologist who penned the seminal Their Eyes Were Watching God. Major funding for this episode of Meet the Past is provided by the Enid and Crosby Kemper Foundation, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee.