Truman and Israel

Presented By
Dennis Ross

U.S. policy on Israel has always emphasized the unbreakable bond between the two countries and America’s strong commitment to Israeli security. Their ties are so close today that, when differences arise, they tend to make news. But that wasn’t always the case.

Ambassador Dennis Ross, who has been directly involved in steering American policy on the Middle East for nearly 30 years, examines the attitudes toward Israel of every presidential administration from Truman’s to Obama's.

The event, co-presented by the Kansas City Public Library, the Truman Library Institute and the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City, inaugurates the Truman and Israel Lecture Series, which commemorates Israel’s founding and President Harry Truman’s decision to give it immediate recognition in May 1948.

Truman and Israel

Date & Location
Reception: 6:30 pm
In Person