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The Rule of Nobody: Saving America from Dead Laws and Broken Government

Yes, there’s gridlock in Washington. There’s polarization and self-interest. But beyond those breakdowns, Philip K. Howard points to what he says is a deeper and more destructive hindrance to good government: The system itself is broken. Rules leave no room for common sense. Leaders lack the authority, or responsibility, to lead.

Howard, a New York lawyer and founder of the nonpartisan coalition Common Good, which advocates an overhaul of government and the courts, discusses his new book, The Rule of Nobody, in which he argues for a return to the framers’ vision of public law – simply setting goals and boundaries, not dictating daily choices. Leaders, Howard says, should ask, “What’s the right thing to do?” not “What does the rule book say?”

Co-presented by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

This event is co-sponsored by: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

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The Rule of Nobody: Saving America from Dead Laws and Broken Government

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