The Promise of Francis: The Man, the Pope, and the Challenge of Change - David Willey

Beset by sex crimes and cover-ups, financial scandal, declining membership, and the stunning resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church turned three years ago to a man of humility, benevolence, and uncommon candor. Pope Francis has proven to be a dynamic choice; enchanting, entertaining, and occasionally outraging his global flock in both word and deed.

David Willey explores the religious and personal background of this inspirational figure, his impact on the Church, the hopes he has raised, and the legacy he is likely to leave behind in a discussion of his book The Promise of Francis. A longtime reporter for the British Broadcasting Corporation, Willey has covered the tenures of five popes and is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Vatican.

This event is co-sponsored by: University of St. Mary

The Promise of Francis: The Man, the Pope, and the Challenge of Change - David Willey

Date & Location
Reception: 6 pm
In Person