midcentury house with large square steps

The Midcentury Modern Landscape

Presented By
Ethne Clarke

Looking for a bold way to redefine the spaces outside your home? Award-winning gardening journalist Ethne Clarke offers a fresh guide–with some historical context–in a discussion of her book The Midcentury Modern Landscape.

Midcentury modern homes, built or drawing from the period from 1940-70, add distinctive lines and angles to a number of neighborhoods in the Kansas City area. The gardens designed to complement them blur the line between indoors and outdoors, creating landscapes in which to live.

Clarke, who has been the garden editor of Traditional Home and a contributing editor for House & Garden, is the author of 16 books on practical gardening, design, and landscape history. Her presentation is co-presented by Gardeners Connect.
This event is co-sponsored by: Gardeners Connect

midcentury house with large square steps

The Midcentury Modern Landscape

Date & Location