Marriage of True Minds: A Collaboration of Music and Word

Please note: Due to a scheduling issue, the date for this event has changed. The concert will now take place on Saturday, November 23, 2013, at the Central Library, 14 W. 10th St.

The plays and poetry of William Shakespeare have had an immense impact on the English language, on theater, and on cinema. But the Bard’s words have also inspired some of the world’s most beautiful music.

This performance by members of the Bach Aria Soloists features the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, John Dowland, and George Frideric Handel.

Scenes from Shakespeare’s plays (Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, The Winter’s Tale) will be performed by local actors.

This event is co-sponsored by: Bach Aria Soloists, Heart of America Shakespeare Festival

Marriage of True Minds: A Collaboration of Music and Word

Date & Location
In Person