A Man, A Plan, A Panama Canal Railway

Presented By
Dave Starling

On this date 99 years and 364 days ago, the Panama Canal opened and revolutionized maritime trade.

It also threw the Panama Railroad and its parallel, 47-mile track into near-disuse and decay – until it was taken over in 1998 and restored by the Panama Canal Railway Company, which is 50 percent owned by Kansas City Southern. The Panama line now provides continuous Atlantic-to-Pacific freight and passenger service.

Kansas City Southern President and CEO Dave Starling oversaw that rejuvenation during his tenure as president and director general of the Panama Canal Railway from 1999-2008. He sits down with Library Director Crosby Kemper III for a conversation coinciding with the 8½-month run of the centennial exhibit on the canal, The Land Divided, The World United: Building the Panama Canal, at the Linda Hall Library.

This event is co-sponsored by: Truman Library Institute

A Man, A Plan, A Panama Canal Railway

Date & Location
In Person