Quinton Lucas profile

Making of a Mayor

Presented By
Quinton Lucas, Micheal Mahoney

Less than one week after taking office, new Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas looks back at his election-day win and ahead to the business of running the city in which he grew up.

Lucas sits down with veteran KMBC television news reporter Micheal Mahoney, who had unprecedented access to the final week of the 34-year-old candidate’s campaign for the most recent installment of KMBC’s in-depth Chronicle series. Their conversation at the Library’s Plaza Branch—co-presented by KMBC—is interspersed with unaired clips from the show. Lucas' campaign manager, John Stamm, joins in the discussion.

Lucas endured homelessness during his childhood on the city’s east side, and cast himself during the campaign as an outsider to city government and advocate for changing the way it provides basic services. He formally succeeded Sly James as mayor on August 1.

This event is co-sponsored by: KMBC

Quinton Lucas profile

Making of a Mayor

Date & Location
Reception: 6 pm
In Person