KC Fringe Festival Preview

Nearing the start of the 19th annual KC Fringe Festival – a two-week performing and visual arts extravaganza spread across multiple Kansas City venues – some of its hottest acts deliver a special preview. 

The 2023 Fringe Festival will showcase 54 productions, six films, and 35 visual artists. This sneak peek, hosted by Fringe Festival Executive Director Audrey Crabtree, offers a range of family-friendly performances showcasing dance, live music, musicals, comedy, dance, and fun surprises. 

Among the previews: "On Account of Sex" by Fourth Wave Theater, "Naked Mole Rat" by Cyclopedic Ensemble, "J to the A to the double Z" by Jazzy K Productions, "An Adolescent Cabaret" by Madilynn Mansur, "Library Rock" by Ry Kincaid, and "Razzle Dazzle" by Kansas City Dance Collective. There's also a special appearance by Beth Byrd from 2 Mimes in a Pod.

The festival runs from Friday, July 14, through Sunday, July 30. Learn more at www.KCFringe.org.  

KC Fringe Festival Preview

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In Person