Local residents are encouraged to come together this fall for a discussion of some of the toughest public policy issues facing our community and our nation.
The Kansas City Public Library and Consensus are partnering to present the Harry’s Front Porch Forums scheduled for Mondays – October 20, November 17, and December 8 – in the Truman Forum at the Plaza Branch, 4801 Main St. All three programs begin at 6:30 p.m.
Monday, October 20 – The Energy Problem: Choices for an Uncertain Future. As demands for energy escalate here and in rapidly developing nations, we may soon reach a point of no return. How can we best ensure a sustainable future?
The forums are designed to allow attendees to have a civil conversation on even the most contentious issues. Participants receive background information in advance and work in small groups led by trained moderators. Afterward, Consensus will report on the results.
Consensus is a nonprofit organization that puts the public in public policy. Consensus believes that regular citizens can learn, work through issues, and find practical solutions. For more information, visit www.consensuskc.org.