Searching the Psyche Through Cinema image

'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'

Presented By
Robin Li, Adrian Torres

The 2024 Searching the Psyche Through Cinema film series, which looks to the arts (and this year, to science fiction) to illuminate our understanding of ourselves, continues with a screening and discussion of 2004’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (R, 108 min.) and its story of memory.

Good and bad memories help shape the internal workings of all humans, so what happens when couple Joel (Jim Carrey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet) can no longer remember? A tech corporation, manned by characters played by Kirsten Dunst, Tom Wilkinson, Elijah Wood, and Mark Ruffalo, has its own dim notions about how and when to use its mind-altering science and toward what end.

A post-screening discussion is led by psychologist Robin Li and film critic Adrian Torres.

© Focus Features

This event is co-sponsored by: Greater Kansas City and Topeka Psychoanalytic Center

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Searching the Psyche Through Cinema image

'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'

Date & Location
Truman Forum Auditorium
In Person