Up to Date - A Surrogate Presidential Debate

In the waning days of the 2012 political campaign, KCUR-FM and the Library join forces to present a live surrogate Presidential debate.

Steve Kraske will broadcast a live episode of his Up to Date program.

His guests are prominent local political consultants: Democrat Roy Temple and Republican Jeff Roe, who serve as the day’s presidential surrogates. They explain why they believe their candidates and parties offer the best choice for the nation and the Kansas City area.

In the Q &A forum moderated by Kraske the two field questions about the presidential contest and the U.S. Senate race in Missouri between incumbent Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, and Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican challenger.

Temple is a Democratic political strategist and an innovator in the use of digital media in advocacy efforts. He is a founder of Fired Up! Missouri, a principal in the Temple Strategy Group, and a former political director and campaign manager for Gov. Mel Carnahan, and was Missouri state director for the presidential campaign of John Kerry.

Roe is a Republican political consultant and principal of Kansas City-based Axion Strategies. He formerly was chief of staff and campaign manager for U.S. Rep. Sam Graves and often provides commentary for local and national publications, web-based journals, and television and radio.

Up to Date - A Surrogate Presidential Debate

Date & Location
In Person