Churchill and Ireland

Presented By
Neil Fleming

Neil Fleming, the Fulbright-Robertson visiting professor of British history at Westminster College, presents a talk titled Churchill and Ireland on Saturday, April 25, at 2 p.m. in the Truman Forum at the Plaza Branch, 4801 Main St.

Churchill is remembered around the world for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II, but in Ireland, Churchill is less remembered for his wartime leadership than his controversial role in its constitutional development, particularly his transformation from a supporter of the nationalist aspirations into their most vocal opponent. To contemporaries, it appeared Churchill had changed his mind, something he was known to do often throughout his career (including changing his party allegiance – twice).

Fleming will discuss Churchill’s relationship with Ireland and make his case that it represents one instance in which Churchill did not change his mind at all.

The English Speaking Union, Kansas City chapter, is co-sponsor of this event.

Churchill and Ireland

Date & Location
In Person