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The Choir Director 2: Runaway Bride - Carl Weber

The behind-the-scenes lives of African American clergymen and their families make up a major sub-genre of contemporary urban fiction. To date, most of these novels have been written by women. Author Carl Weber offers a male point of view in books such as The Choir Director. In his latest novel, a sequel to that bestseller, title character Aaron Mackie’s nationally renowned success has him in line for a huge recording contract. But his private life comes crashing down when his fiancé leaves him at the altar with no explanation, and Mackie turns to his mentor, Bishop T.K. Wilson, for help. Unfortunately, the line Mackie asks him to cross will force the bishop to choose between friendship and faith. Weber, who holds accounting and marketing degrees from Virginia State University and the University of Virginia, also is the founder of Urban Books, a publisher specializing in African American topics.

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The Choir Director 2: Runaway Bride - Carl Weber

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