Due to severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, ice accumulation, and high winds, all locations will be closed Sunday, January 5 and Monday, January 6.
A 17-year-old African American is found hanging from a swing set in the middle of an all-white trailer park in North Carolina. Police quickly declare it a suicide—despite doubts by family members and questionable circumstances.
Could the 2014 tragedy have been a lynching? Do they remain a modern-day occurrence?
Through that case, the 2019 documentary Always in Season (89 min.) sensitively explores the lingering impact of the lynching of African Americans decades ago and connects this form of terrorism to today’s racial violence. The film is screened by the Library and KCPT- Kansas City PBS as part of the Indie Lens Pop-Up community cinema initiative. A discussion follows.
This event is co-sponsored by: KCPT- Kansas City PBS