Library Giving Day is April 1! Your support ensures that all Kansas Citians have access to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and library services.
Kansas City Public Library in collaboration with Kansas City Swingout are excited to share an all-ages, all-inclusive social dance event free to the public! If you’re looking to build new relationships, listen to good music, and to get your body moving, the Lindy Hop community in Kansas City is where you want to be! At 7 p.m., learn, listen, and move to the rich history of Jazz and Lindy Hop beginning with an introductory (no experience needed) dance lesson by specialized instructors from KCS.
Thanks to volunteer DJs, the remainder of the evening will have the room filled with swing jazz hits from the likes of Basie, Ellington, Fitzgerald, and many, many more!
If you need ADA accommodation to use Library services or attend Library events and programs, please notify us at least 3 business days in advance at 816.701.3409 or (TTY access available via 711 or 866.520.7309 for Spanish.)
The Kansas City Public Library could be videotaping and taking photos for possible inclusion in marketing and promotional communications.