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Gabriella Polony Mountain's work includes four major themes. The first three themes are clearly recognizable as the Cosmos, Nature, and Figural works with the fourth theme encompassing history, philosophy, and culture. In her life as an artist, Polony Mountain worked with many different medium including mosaics, weavings, sculpture, stained glass, and repousse. Sculpture is a three dimensional branch of the visual arts. In traditional forms of sculpture, the materials used were easily accessible and consisted of stone, metal, wood, ceramics. The process for creating sculpture is as varied as the materials used and include carving, modelling, molded, cast, welded. These days the sculptural form is one with fewer boundaries in terms of material and process.
This white marble sculpture depicts the natural element of waves in abstract form. Polony Mountain portrays three sections in this block of marble. The upper most section depicts the large geometric forms of rectangles, one with a small circle carved into it. The top of the wave is created by a curvilinear line. The middle section is depicted by a tighter group of organic forms which culminate into even more tightly segmented tails. Perhaps the idea of this abstract depiction of waves was to show the movement of the wave from its further most point to its crashing upon a shoreline.