Portrait of Rose Herbert
Rose Herbert was a vaudeville actress known for her roles in "Lucky in Love" (1928) and "Hollywood Bound" (1928). Rose's maiden name was Epstein before she married Hugh Herbert, a fellow vaudeville performer. Rose Herbert had another industry alias, Anita Pam. Pam was featured in "Lucky in Love" alongside Rose Epstein, creating the illusion that there were two actresses when in fact they were both Rose Herbert playing two different roles. In this photograph, one hand holds a burlesque feather fan in front of her body while another reaches up to caress a wooden parrot. She wears a wide-brimmed hat that casts a shadow over her profile. Herbert looks up to the parrot with an alluring gaze. Hixon provides a dynamic background through bright swatches that interrupt the shadows cast by Herbert and cause her figure to appear transposed onto the photograph.