Portrait of Nance O'Neil with Head Scarf
Nance O'Neil was called the "American Bernhardt," playing significant roles such as Lady Macbeth and Camille. She moved from theatre to silent film in 1915 after signing with William Fox. She was overshadowed by Fox's other star, Theda Bara, and returned to the theatre in 1918. Nance came back to talking films around 1929 and appeared in several early sound pictures. She has been quoted saying that "tradition has made women cowardly". Here she looks away from the camera forlornly, although the shadow created on the side of her face obscures the direction of her gaze. The resulting shadow constitutes nearly as much of the frame as her own figure, seeming as though it might engulf her as it extends from the bottom of the photograph, into her clothing and across the scarf wrapped around her head.