Gilded Figures on a Dragon Barge
Asian influenced work, depicting sixteen upright attendants on a barge in the shape of a dragon. This appears to be a royal barge based on the use of the dragon and highly decorative aspects of the work. The dragon has a highly stylized gilded head dress, necklace, and gilded wings. The other color's decorating this mythical figure are green, white and red. The attendants displayed on the barge are wearing ceremonial regalia. The first figure, starting from the left, appears to be holding some type of gilded percussion instrument. The next three attendants hold small gilded vessels to their waist, this may signify an offering. The following pair of figures carry a gilded arc, or chest, supported by shoulder poles. The next lone figure carries an umbrella, which in some eastern countries signifies royalty or the embodiment of kingship, opened above their head. The next pair of figures carries a second gilded arc, or chest, suspended on poles supported on their shoulders. The lone figure, to the right of the chest bearers, carries an umbrella opened above their head. The following three figures hold aloft gilded objects, possibly offerings. The last three figures appear to be standard-bearers holding flags; the colors of these banners, in order of appearance, are green, red and white. All of the attendant figures are clad in red floral designed sarongs and wear gilded head dress. Most of the figures appear to be male, with bear chest. Three figures appear to be female, with longer hair, and have a gilded top that is corseted around their upper torso.