American Architect & Building News-Nov. 29, 1890-Suburban Belt Line Depot KCMO
This cover of the American Architect and Building News periodical features the Suburban Belt Line Depot in Kansas City, Missouri designed by architect H.C. Lindsly. The structure shown was originally rendered in pen, ink and watercolor. The integration of sketched lines, calculated detail and imaginative coloring show off the architectural qualities while also conveying the structure's potential in space. The building was styled in a Victorian/Renaissance Revival style with a series of monumental towers topped by pyramidal roofs. Soaring towers, voussoired window sequences and calligraphic ornament seem to elevate the building while stone masonry and heavy roofing anchor it to the ground. Two figures stand before the main tower, their relatively small size emphasizing the impressiveness of the structure. The periodical that featured this architect's work began publication in 1876 cataloging the field's latest until 1908 and completed 95 volumes.