This map is of the Greater Kansas City Metro and Suburbs region. Text in the bottom righthand corner reads the company's slogan "Everything in Maps."...
Sepia toned photograph of Theda Bara. Theda Bara was an American actress in both silent film and the stage. Bara was cinema's original vamp, the dark...
This elegant grandfather clock contains a large round clock face and oval body atop a base with scroll and leaf ornament and bun feet. The clock has a...
This grandfather clock stands at approximately six and a half feet high. The design is sleek with black varnish and clear glass windows that reveal br...
This Howard Miller Presidential Collection Grandfather Clock is a free standing wooden floor clock. The clock has Windsor Cherry finish with crotch m...
This Grandfather Floor Clock, produced by Howard Miller, features a white, porcelain-like dial framed by a hinged top door with a composition of maho...
Rose Marie Mazzetta was the last theatrical subject photographed by Orval Hixon in Kansas City. Mazzetta began performing as Baby Rose Marie at the te...
Charles "Buddy" Rogers was born in Olathe, Kansas. He was a student at the University of Kansas with plans to become a band leader. While his dream of...
When a punctured eardrum ended Japanese born Sessue Hayakawa's original dream of a naval career, he enrolled at the University of Chicago to study ban...
The photograph depicted here is of Pauline Frederick. Pauline Beatrice Libby took “Frederick” as her stage name and later as her legal surname after...