Wendell Potter: Deadly Spin

Wendell Potter, a former VP of CIGNA, argues that health insurers make promises they have no intention of keeping, flout regulations designed to protect consumers, and skew political debate with multibillion-dollar PR campaigns to mislead the press and public.
On the blog:Read an exclusive interview with Wendell Potter, author of Deadly Spin.
In Deadly Spin, Potter takes readers behind the scenes to show how a huge chunk of health care spending bankrolls a propaganda campaign focused on protecting one thing: profits. Co-sponsored by Missouri Health Advocacy Alliance, Jobs With Justice, Communities Creating Opportunities, Kansas Health Consumer Coalition, and Loretto-KC.
This event is co-sponsored by: Missouri Health Advocacy Alliance, Jobs With Justice, Communities Creating Opportunities, Kansas Health Consumer Coalition, Loretto-KC

Wendell Potter: Deadly Spin

Date & Location
In Person