New York Times bestselling author Alice Hoffman discusses her new book, The Story Sisters, on Tuesday, June 16, at 7 p.m. at the Plaza Branch, 4801 Main St.
Her latest novel charts the lives of three sisters, each of whom has a fate that must be met alone: one on a country road, one in the streets of Paris, and one in the corridors of her own imagination. A coming-of-age tale, a family saga, and a love story, The Story Sisters sifts through the miraculous and the mundane as the girls become women and their choices haunt them, change them and, finally, redeem them.
Hoffman is the author of more than 20 novels, including The Third Angel, Practical Magic, and the Oprah Book Club selection Here on Earth.
The event is co-sponsored by Rainy Day Books. Copies of The Story Sisters will be available for sale, and the author will sign copies during the event.