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Hiking with Nietzsche

Presented By
John Kaag

We’re all searching for who we are.

For John Kaag, that philosophical quest encompassed two journeys 17 years apart to the mountain peaks above Sils-Maria, Switzerland, where noted German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic Friedrich Nietzsche wrote his landmark Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

In a discussion of his new book Hiking with Nietzsche: Becoming Who You Are, Kaag recounts those experiences and what he came to understand—with Nietzsche’s help—about the human condition, about defeating complacency, balancing sanity and madness, and coming to grips with the unobtainable.

Kaag, a professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, is also the author of American Philosophy: A Love Story.

Co-presented by Rainy Day Books.
This event is co-sponsored by: Rainy Day Books

various teal paint

Hiking with Nietzsche

Date & Location
In Person