woman with candle with faces lit up

Home Truth

Presented By
Jessica Lenahan, Nicole Portnov

Jessica Lenahan would not let her three daughters die in vain. The Colorado mother filed suit after the girls were abducted and killed by their father in 1999, claiming police did not adequately enforce a restraining order against her former husband. She took her fight all the way to the Supreme Court and lost there, but pursued and won the first case brought by a domestic violence survivor against the U.S. before an international tribunal, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

The landmark ruling is one of the most significant in the history of domestic violence advocacy.

The Library screens a 2017 documentary, Home Truth, about the ordeal. Lenahan then joins Nicole Portnov, a recent graduate of University of Miami School of Law and Gender and Reproductive Justice activist, in a discussion.

Co-sponsored by the Women's Equality Coalition, Friends of Yates, the Rose Brooks CenterHope HouseSynergy ServicesJustice Project of Kansas CityNewhouse, SAFEHOME, Hope Haven of Cass County, and Kansas City Women in Film and TV.
This event is co-sponsored by: Women's Equality Coalition

woman with candle with faces lit up

Home Truth

Date & Location